Primarily Transvestism provides an outlet for
me that is completely alien to my every day surround- ings. The muted femminity of my bed and bath are in relative contrast to the harshness of heavy industry. The soothing influence of a perfumed bath, a soft nightie and a silken robe coupled with a good book conditions me for another grueling day in the pres- sure ridden atmosphere of a busy lab.
Transvestism provides one with an all consuming interest in fashion, cosmetics, and beauty aids in general. This excites my professional interest in the chemistry involved and leads to collateral read- ing. Since chemistry is such an all embracing field this frequently leads to thought patterns which over- lap into my particular field of interest.
Chemically speaking we are an oddity since we are comprised primarily of a male body and an assort- ment of natural and miracle fibers, elastomers, dye- stuffs, pigments, plastics and metals of various types which when properly assembled resemble a lovely (we hope) woman.
A secondary bonus is provided when as I sit at my desk with one of those vexing problems that crop up now and then. Sometimes my mind goes blank and my thought processes stagnate. Then the firm in- sistance of my girdle invades my thoughts and Barbara takes over for a flight of fancy. Sometimes I go shopping mentally or to a beauty parlor, but when I return I feel refreshed and ready for a new try at the old problem.
Thirdly, Transvestism has awakened in me a de- sire to mother the whole human race. A desire to be more tolerant and understanding and to extend com- passion to all with whom I associate.
So you see Transvestism is no longer a burden It has been the awakening of a facet of my personality that I honestly
or a curse, in truth it never was.